Woman wanted to pretend, could she pretend more than Anran?


Only Anran's delighted laugh echoed in the frosty night air, quickly followed by the frustrated voices of her daughters.

But she didn't care; she was too busy enjoying in her newfound freedom.

Hopping down to the ground, she stretched her arms high above her head as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

"You two are already adults! Finally, I don't need to take care of you! Hehe!" she announced, her voice brimming with excitement.

She — had been growing bored of acting responsible.

Now, she could finally let loose and play around without worrying about her daughters.

This was her moment, and she was going to enjoy it.

"Mom?" Yue and Wenxi exchanged glances, both of them at a loss.

Had they really been that bad?

Their puppy-like eyes, full of confusion and hurt.