Sin... Forgiven and Forgetten? (2)

Wang Xiao sighed, the silence stretching between them as his thoughts drifted to Xianthera, the realm that felt more like home than the mortal world he was stuck in.

If it were up to him, he'd be lounging in Xianthera right now, living like a god, far away from all the mortal messes.

Frankly, this whole living-among-humans thing was a bit overrated.

But life had its quirks, and one of them was that his soul had a nasty habit of trying to eject itself into the astral realm.

The only way to reduce the times his soul was automatically ejecting itself was to indulge in the very things that should have sent him there faster—smoking, drinking, indulging in the occasional debauchery, even a bit of mayhem on the side.

It was like the universe had decided to play a cosmic joke on him, forcing him to play by rules that made no sense for a Transcendent like him.