Beast Horde (2)

"Don't let them come close to the barrier, and request reinforcements to HQ!" Amaya shouted loudly, her voice like the crack of a whip.

There was no time for hesitation—only action.


The soldiers around her snapped to attention, galvanized by her commanding presence.

Despite the reinforcements from the Pantheon network and the Guardians, the situation was dire.

They had cutting-edge technology at their disposal—guns and shields capable of taking down a Commander-class beast with a single shot—but it wasn't enough.

The sheer number of beasts was overwhelming.

Hundreds of minions blotted out the sky, their ugly forms a constant reminder of the impending doom.

Below, a horde of shadow wolves tore into anything they could reach, their jaws ripping flesh and bone with savage grin.

The ground was littered with the remains of those unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.