Aunt Meifang!

Jiarong, "Just find a rich man to marry and settle your life. Why overthink it? In the end, it's all about comfort, not fantasy."

Ruixin's curious expression slowly morphed into a bitter smile.

She shook her head slightly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of amusement and sorrow. "Then why don't you marry already, Rong Er? Aren't you nearing the age of a 'Sheng Nu'?" The teasing note in her voice was light, but the truth hit its mark.

Wang Jiarong's lips twitched.

Suddenly, the apple in her mouth tasted bitter.

She huffed, turning her attention away from the group, clearly annoyed. "It's not that simple, Rui. You of all people should know that."

'Maybe I should be taking things more seriously,' she thought internally, though she'd never admit it out loud.

The room fell into a brief silence.

Ruixin sighed internally, knowing Jiarong had a point

But this is how the world works.