Zeus stabbed his own son?

She wanted to smack herself, but seeing Wang Xiao's curiosity piqued, she hesitantly continued, "Later, that… egg… was raised by the Queen of Sparta, Leda, who was also a beautiful woman. And it's said that she too was seduced by the swan's charm, and… she got—"

Mei's words froze in her throat when she realized she had gone too far.

"Fucked too and that egg — later hatched into a beautiful woman named Helen?" Wang Xiao finished her sentence, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

Mei bit her lip and nodded, her eyes misty with embarrassment.

What were they even talking about?

"Did he… you know… with her too?" Wang Xiao's interest deepened as he leaned in.

Mei quickly shook her head, her face burning with embarrassment.

Wang Xiao was genuinely surprised. "The most beautiful woman in Greece, and Zeus left her alone?"