Cold Poison!

A big problem—

"I've already accompanied you for dinner," Mei began, her voice firm as she sought to escape the growing tension between them. "Are you coming back with us now or not?" She held his gaze, determined to get a clear answer.

She had braved countless odds to come here, driven by a single purpose: to ensure that he would return with them, back to the safety of their family.

Seeing his silence, her resolve only hardened. "I'll talk with Mom... and we can deal with that fake... together."

For some reason, referring to it as "fake" left an odd taste in her mouth, a sensation she couldn't quite shake.

Wang Xiao, sensing the shift in her demeanor, chuckled softly.

The days when he could easily bully her seemed to be slipping away as she grew into her own.

Yet, her seriousness only made him more curious. "So, how are we going to deal with him then?" he asked, a spark of mischief dancing in his eyes.