You're the... Prince?

Mei couldn't understand why Wang Xiao insisted on accompanying her, nor could she grasp the events that led Susie and Kari to abandon her in her time of need.

The wheel of fate had already turned, leaving behind irreversible consequences.

She attempted to muster a smile, but it faltered as Wang Xiao, who had been brooding in silence, suddenly broke it with an unsettling question. "Hey, seven years ago... why did you suddenly claim, in front of mom, that I touched and cleaned your ***** while bathing you?"


Mei froze, her heart skipping a beat, as his words struck her like a thunderbolt.

Her cheeks flushed with heat, embarrassment flooding her senses.

What on earth was he talking about?

Wang Xiao's eyes bore into hers as he recounted the incident in excruciating detail.

As the memories resurfaced, Mei's face turned crimson, the color of blooming peonies.