Old Witch turns Murder Witch!

"Who is this 'she' now?" Wang Xiao asked, an amused glint in his eyes.

The others, still in slight shock from Athene's appearance, exchanged glances.

Most of them had never seen her before, except for Wenxi and Yue, who were silently watching the exchange.

They didn't say they were disappointed, though. Athene was exactly what they had imagined—cold as ice and as emotionally engaging as a rock.

Athene's eyes narrowed slightly. "Yuriko. She's the only one capable of manipulating fate in such a way. But your constant cursing has been disturbing her mental state."

Wang Xiao raised an eyebrow, looking thoroughly unimpressed. "I didn't realize my casual remarks could mess someone up that badly."

Athene's face twitched, the closest thing to an eye-roll she would allow herself.

Talking to Wang Xiao was like arguing with a mountain—an immovable force of arrogance and obstinance.

Of course, he was doing it on purpose.