Eight Strike: Thousand Cuts of Purgatory!


"Wait… holy sh—did his head just…?" one of the commentators stuttered, voice cracking.

The screen caught up, and the camera zoomed in shakily on a severed head rolling across the ground.

"Bro, no way… this guy just took someone's head off like it was NOTHING!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets rang out in rapid succession, but the figure didn't stop. With the second strike, limbs from over a dozen soldiers were severed in an instant.

Blood sprayed into the air like a crimson fountain, splashing across the screen.

The viewers gasped.

"Did you see that?!" the guy streaming live whispered frantically. "He just cut off, like, twenty arms in one swing!"

"Twenty? It's more like thirty! And they didn't even touch him!" his friend added, pushing his phone closer to the chaos.

From somewhere in the distance, screams echoed through the battlefield.

"Ahhhhhh—my hands!"