Are you on Menopause?

30th September, 2031

Global Institute of Scientific Research, Shanghai

Inside the Center for Advanced Scientific Research (SCASR), Wang Xiao lay on a floating bed, his head slightly elevated as mechanical arms whirred around him with a metallic hum.

His body was exposed, naked, vulnerable under the cold, clinical lights of the lab.

A woman in a white lab coat circled him, clearly unsettled by the sight of his twitching manhood.

This wasn't part of her usual duties.

Normally, she worked behind the scenes, her hands immersed in data and calculations, but at the request of her 'apprentice', she had made an exception.

Still, her eyes lingered on his sculpted abdomen and powerful physique, a subtle admiration flickering beneath her discomfort.

'This man… a warrior to his core,' she thought, her gaze drifting to the dragon's might pulsating between his legs.

But Wang Xiao's attention was fully captured by her presence.