Wang Xueying — A lawless holligon!

1:00 PM, 30th September

The sky above was a shroud of dark clouds, shadowing with rain, as if heaven itself hesitated before letting its tears fall to the earth.

The air carried the crisp scent of impending rain, mingling with the sweet fragrance of autumn leaves as they drifted lazily to the ground.

Since the great reset, the world's climate had shifted in strange, wondrous ways. The once scorching sun of summer now shone gently, no longer burning the skin. The typhoons that once threatened to tear apart the city of Shanghai had grown docile, their power tamed.

Winters had deepened, their chill biting and fogs thickening, while autumn bloomed into a season of unparalleled beauty—more vivid, more serene than ever before.

It was as if nature had been reborn, each season weaving itself seamlessly into the next.