Only Idiots fight fair!

Wang Xiao's expression shifted, his eyes narrowing as he pieced together her words. 'She really thought I'd be out cold.'

"Do I look like someone who'd be taken down by some amateur drug?" he asked, his voice sharp as the chill of early winter.

The weight of his words made her flinch, even if just for a moment.

"You think this is funny?" she shot back, ignoring the pain in her hand as she glared at him, her eyes like storm clouds threatening to break. "You come back, pretending like nothing's wrong, and now you're accusing me of—what, murder? Manslaughter? You've got some nerve."

Wang Xiao's eyes remained fixed on her, his gaze as cold as the northern wind.

"You're not exactly innocent either, Xueying. Drugging me? For what? To get rid of me, or something worse?" His tone was cold now, sharp as a blade. "So don't stand there acting like the victim."