The Perfect Daughter!

In moments like these, Wang Xiao couldn't help but think of Anran's daughters.

Sure, they were chaotic in their own way—running circles around the room, turning the place upside down, and even breaking into a wrestling match when they got angry.

But those outbursts were rare, maybe once a month.

These two, though? Xuelan and Yanyan could sit perfectly still, and the next thing he knew, they were locked in a verbal sparring match, as if they were competing to see who could out-grumble the other.

'Do women with large breasts have a habit of constant grumbling?' he wondered, his eyes drifting briefly to Xuelan's chest.

She definitely took after her mother in that department—soft, big, and impossible to ignore.

But then again, Eleanor rarely complained like this. She was an anomaly, though—hardly someone you could use as a standard for "normal" women.
