Leaving this cursed world for a better life

"Oh yeah, maybe I got a bit high-spirited there, but I really think you are special."

"Mmhmkay. In what regard?"

"I think you are touched by the force and I think you have high potential, so I know it is a bit rash but I would like to talk to your parents, if you could come with me to the jedi temple."

Jedi? The elders talked about them sometimes. In their stories they were evil incarnate and you should kill them with extreme predjudice for the abominations they were. Ironic. All in all it seems like this day is going to be better than originally imagined.

"My parents are deeead", he said in jest...but truthfully.

"Oh I...I am so sorry, child."

"My name is not child", Maren answered just a bit annoyed. What he did go through today was something only a true warrior could have done, not a child, silly woman. "But that parent thing is nothing to worry about, this kinda stuff happens on Dathomir, what can you do", he shrugged with his shoulders. The woman "looked" at him with a horrified expression, then she shook her head and gave him her warm smile again.

"Do you want me to be your mommy?"

'Absolutely', Maren thought immediatly, as he watched as her shirt desperatly tried to contain her bust. It could also be his prepubescent mind exagerated some things a bit, just a tiny bit. But nontheless he had a reputation as a stoic warrior to uphold, so he answered with a raised eyebrow.

"Phrasing, woman!"

At first she looked baffled at his remark, then after a while she reached the realization.

"Oh nononono, not like that, I just meant do you want to go with me, if you have nothing left here. But it is no problem, when..."

"I understand", Maren interrupted her, "and yes I come with you, not like I have anything better to do."

"Yey", the woman clapping her hands, jumping in a little circle. Then she realized her a little unhinged behaviour for a woman of her status, cleared her throat, regained her composure and continued with a wise tone, "I mean gladly child, let us travel together."

Maren sighed and with these words the two of them entered her spaceship. It wasn't much, but for the young boy it was very impressiv. In the middle was a couch in form of a half cicle, a table in front of it and a place where food could be prepared behind it. At least it is what Maren thinks it was because the smell of food came from metal containers, which were laying in that direction. Next to the food place was a bed, nothing special, but almost hedonistic luxury for the boy.

Maren looked at the cockpit, because he heard a pip di di pip sound. From there came a metal thing with the body of a cylinder, a dome-shaped head and it drove around on three legs. Maren was fascinated by all the lights and buttons on that thing, he wanted to touch one, but he refrained himself from that action.

"That is R4-M27 or R4 for short, he is a droid and my favourite little helper."

"Pi do do pi", the droid answered.

"Yes I do think he is the one."


"Hey, well maybe I did get a bit of course but everything is fine now."

"Doo Do"

"One question", Maren interjected, "what is this?"


"He does not like being called thing, just call him R4."

Maren looked at the droid, 'that tin can is a HE?', but then shrugged his shoulders as he came to the conclusuon that he did not really care.

"Very well, now what are we doing next?"

"You can sit in the couch and play a game and my cute helper will help me type in the right coordinates."

"Beep dodo peep"

"Yes, this time I will not doubt you, when you point out the right place,"


"or planet."

Maren let the two to their squarrel and sat down on the couch. It was a bit used, but quite comfy, putting the orb and his dagger next to himself. The woman did not ask him about any of them especially the orb. Since he met her it was silent and didn't excude its vile aura. Maren pocked on some of the multiple buttons and then a light appeared saying "Game On. Press Start." He did as asked and played a round. It was basically about a starship shooting down other starships and other stuff. He took a while to get this game, as he was, in his opinion, more of an outdoor kind of guy... and the game cheated. While he played he felt how his guts sank down. He looked up to the front out of the window of the cockpit and saw how the mountains around their location began to sink.

"Want to take a look", said the woman somehow perceiving his rising interest, even though she didn't have eyes. He reminded himself to not let himself be this open around this psychic anymore, but as he looked at her she gave him a welcoming smile and waved him to her like an exicted kid wanting to show someone his favourite toy. Or like a parent wanting to show its child something impressiv, to see the wonder in its eyes. Maren did not know what it was or even entertained that thought. The only thing he could think about is how he was irreversibly drawn to her. As he reached her she pointed out of the window. Below them Maren could see the mountains, once standing like titans, nothing more than specks on the surface. He looked at it with disbelief in his eyes. Not hours ago he was under one of those mountains, not to see the starlight again and now everything felt so small, so distant, so hilariously unimportant. Because at this life changing day the stars were never closer.

"Bring us home R4", the blind woman said hugging Maren from behind and looking at him with her usual smile out of the window. If this moment weren't so spectacular for him, the boy would have laughed, but he knew sometimes one has just let a moment breathe. When they exited the atmosphere, the boy could was mesmerized as he looked back on his old planet, looking like a dirt ball. He will not miss it, some of the people maybe, but definatly not the planet. He looked forward to his new life the droid interacted with the consol of the ship and suddenly the stars began to morph from shiny dots to shiny lines. The ship made a "Zoom" sound and the ship entered a blue malestrom. Maren was a bit taken aback by this phenomenom.

"No worries, we just entered hyperspace, don't be afraid."

"I am not, don't confuse me with some soft outwordler. I am from Dathomir, if there is a place in the galaxy were true horror lies, it is there. So no I am not afraid, merely surprised." Maren says in a scolding tone.

"Well, aren't you a brave little man", his new companion said, petting his head, fingers betwenn his horns. Maren's eyelid started to flutter at her remark, irritated, but this anger was slightly quelled, when she hugged him real tight from behind, while stroking his head. The boy experienced this indescribable feeling once more, which accelerated his bloodflow especially in the area of his face, giving it an even more deep redtone.

"Come on, I see you are quite intimate with my plaything, let us go one o one."

"Oh my god, this woman will be the death of me", Maren groaned slapping his palm on his face.

"Haha, you are weird. Now come, don't let me wait I am desperate for a game, maybe you can make me even sweat a little."

"Pepooo", the droid interchimed.

"I don't know what you mean, you play this game sitting."

The jedi sat down and put some kind of device over her eyes. "Now I am ready, bring it on.", she proclaimed with her nose pointing up to the ceiling and making a guesture, which even though the boy never seen it, expressed a challenge. Maren, never backing down from one, sat himself across her and tried multiple games. He never won a single one. This is naturally because she had more training, not because of an issue in skill on his part. If he had more time, he would handily beaten her...naturally.

"Haha, in your face kiddo, Hehehe!"

His playpartner lost all of her wise aura and swapped it with a smug one. Maren was most displeased with the situation, but victory is absolute and he had to accept that.


"No he is the one who lost."

"Beep boop"

"Oh, we're here", his travell compatriot noted with exitement in her voice.

The ship made another Zoom sound and exited the maelstrom. Maren saw a planet shining like a sun. He never would have thought that there could be this many lights in the galaxy, especially in one place.

"Welcome child, this is Coruscant, the home of the jedi."