Chapter 128 – Begging his Ex-wife to dance with him.

Lizzy had no idea if the engagement was the reason for Devin's open-mindedness or if Matilda had advised him this way. 

Whatever it was, she was even more carried away by Daniel's request to Devin, "So, Lizzy, I'm asking you in front of your brother. Go on a date for me. I'd like to cook for you."

Devin could not help chuckling at the playboy who claimed to know how to cook. How irresponsible of him to try to impress a woman this way. Did he not think of the consequence of messing up if he was not able to do it well?

"I wonder what you want to cook for her but you better not lure her to your house to seduce her," Devin warned Daniel with the bridge of seriousness. 

Daniel smiled. He knew that no one would believe that he knew how to cook. Only Robin had tasted his food and complimented it to be very nice. 

Devin recalled him even emptying the plate of pasta he made for him. As for taking advantage of Lizzy, Daniel was not thinking in that direction.