Chapter 139 - You foolish child

'There are no diamonds in the villa. I'm at the hospital now and if you don't pay up? I will confess everything to the police and the world.'

Zayla filtered the most important part of the man's verbal report about searching the villa. The solid words kept echoing in Zayla's mind, she began to feel hot. At this moment, she was calculating her losses.

One is her father's money which she stole to use as a part-payment when she felt that her father would not agree with the original plan.

Two, the diamonds were not found, which meant the money spent could not be recovered. A very great loss for so much money.

Three, the man was demanding more money which Zayla did not have. This had become an unforeseen debt.

Four, he was threatening to involve the police which meant that he would also be arrested for burglary so Zayla was not scared of that part but was scared of the last option.