Chapter 284 – You are a heartless monster

Robin knew that Mara was not paralyzed and had no intention of revealing everything at once. He only wanted to approach Martin closely before making his move.

Martin was afraid that Robin was trying to deceive him, considering Robin's intelligence. However, he couldn't help but feel anxious about the revelation.

"What are you talking about?" he asked seriously. Robin felt like he was getting closer to his goal and negotiated, 

"I will tell you when I see you."

Martin couldn't allow it, knowing that Robin's presence would only bring trouble. He would be foolish to risk his life just to hear whatever information Robin had about Mara.

But then again, what could Robin possibly know about Mara that Martin didn't already know?

"You're lying. You're trying to trick me," Martin said seriously. Robin was disturbed by the thought of Sabrina and Mara being together.