
To thwart any retaliation from the Wang family, Zhu Qi arranged for bodyguards to accompany Zhu Di from school. While this ensured their safety, it also made dating inconvenient for Zhu Di and Zheng Yi with constant surveillance.

Despite Zhu Di's proficiency in self-defense, she initially resisted hiring a bodyguard. However, Zheng Yi insisted, citing her safety as paramount.

In frustration, Zhu Di exclaimed, "I can handle myself, and you're an athlete! Even if I can't win, you can still protect me."

Zheng Yi sighed, "My father promised protection, yet he's uneasy about us spending so much time together and has resorted to surveillance."

Unbeknownst to Zhu Di, it wasn't her Uncle Zhu's dissatisfaction but rather his unease regarding Zheng Yi that drove his actions.

Whenever Zheng Yi visited Zhu Di's home, Zhu Qi's demeanor noticeably softened, likely due to lingering concerns over Wang Lingyu's influence.