Psychology Society

On the weekend, Xiao Yize invited Gu Jin out on their first official date since becoming a couple.

Xiao Yize had meticulously planned everything and even sought advice from Gu Yang. Eventually, he settled on a shooting club in the capital.

Gu Jin found the idea quite intriguing.

However, the outing didn't turn out as romantically as Xiao Yize had envisioned.

Gu Jin enthusiastically dragged him into competitive shooting for half a day, determined to win and insisting he give his best effort.

Xiao Yize found himself both amused and delighted by her competitiveness. He hadn't expected his top ranking on the Dark Net Divine Spear List to come in handy like this.

Meanwhile, Gu Yang had joined the Psychology Society.

Initially, Ji Minghui had facilitated Gu Yang's entry, but some members of the society were not pleased with her presence.

With an academic conference scheduled for the weekend, Ji Minghui invited Gu Yang to attend.