Chapter Seventy-Nine: Dinner

Fang Xi couldn't help but laugh when she heard Ye Kun compare himself to a dog and asked, "Did you just get back?"

Ye Kun sighed and answered, "Yeah, I rushed here right after I got off the plane. I was worried Tuan Tuan would be a handful, but I couldn't contact you because I didn't have your number. I called the bar; they told me you hadn't been there these past few days and gave me your number. However, I held back and didn't call you because I thought you might be busy, and our time difference made calls inconvenient."

Ye Kun's easy explanation made Fang Xi's heart skip a beat. No one had ever so considerately explained anything to her in such detail. In the past—when she was with that man—he would never report his schedule to her, nor would he explain any of his actions to her. She never heard a word of explanation from him, even if he'd disappeared for half a month. Ye Kun's behavior made Fang Xi feel like she was being respected and valued.