Chapter Eighty-Six: Pleased

Yun Nan turned to look out the window. Shi Nian thought, 'I guess she's still upset that her own flesh and blood don't care about her.' He changed the topic and asked her, "Why did you name it '4.30 P.M.'?"

Yun Nan exhaled softly before answering, "My mom told me she was most afraid of the winter sun at 4:30 in the afternoon when she was a kid. It was as red as blood and painted all the mountains and forests crimson. It was a nightmarish scene that filled her with terror—a terror which haunted her like a shadow. It wasn't until she lived in the city with my dad—where the high-rise buildings blocked the horror of the setting sun and the dense crowd gave her a sense of security—that she finally moved past her sense of helpless fear."