Chapter Ninety-Three: Chicanery

Gao Bei held a press conference, accompanied by her manager Xiao Ya.

Gao Bei—once described as a 'fairy maiden'—looked a far cry from her previous youthful beauty. Gao Bei's tears streamed down her face as she stood before the cameras, crying that she'd been tricked into going abroad and had several near brushes with death. She wailed that she was almost sold and transported to another country before the SWAT team managed to find and rescue her.

Gao Bei's experience was saddening. Xiao Ya took the opportunity to cry and beg the many parties whom Gao Bei had signed contracts with to forgive the girl in consideration of her juvenile ignorance and tragic encounter and exempt her from prosecution and huge penalty fees. Xiao Ya promised her company would do its best to compensate for the losses these parties incurred due to Gao Bei's breach of contract.