Chapter One-Hundred and Six: Endorsement

Mr. Mo nodded and admitted, "I'm relieved; I was a little worried before, when Shi Nian said he was married. I was afraid he'd end up with a bad match! Now, I can rest assured. Yun Nan would definitely make a fine wife!"

"Mr. Mo, people would generally worry about women being the weaker party in a relationship rather than the men."

Mr. Mo chuckled. "Just look at Shi Nian's expression. He's clearly the one clinging to Yun Nan, so there's nothing wrong with what I've just said!"

Shi Nian put an arm around Shi Xiu and introduced her, "This is my little sister, Shi Xiu. She's my biological sister! We have the same parents and all that! She's the baby of our family and has never left the sight of our family. She has at least two visible and four invisible bodyguards whenever she goes out. It's impossible for her to skip school even if she wants to."