Chapter One-Hundred and Thirteen: Probing

Shi Nian shrugged again and said, "I don't think it's a lot of work. Besides, you're a director, so you should understand that you should be as convincing as possible to sell your act. The sweeter we are now, the more realistic our break-up will be in five years!"

Yun Nan opened her mouth, wishing to refute him, before she thought better of it and resignedly replied, "There's really no need."

Shi Nian handed her her bag and stated, "I think it's very necessary. Let's go; I'll take you to work."

'I have my own car!' was what Yun Nan wanted to say, but she swallowed the words on the tip of her tongue because Shi Nian immediately continued, "Shi Xiu noticed you were going to work alone, so she called and nagged at me for a long time."

'This pair of siblings are both weirdos,' Yun Nan silently grumbled.