Chapter One-Hundred and Thirty-Three: Rewards

On the way back, Yun Nan looked very happy as she toyed with the small gifts the restaurant attendants and manager had given her. Her joy also infected Shi Nian, and he would glance at her from time to time. 

Yun Nan was admiring a small plush monkey accessory when she asked, "I think I did a pretty good job today, don't you? Do you think your admirer will give up on pursuing you?"

Shi Nian smiled and replied, "That's her business." 

Yun Nan exchanged the monkey accessory for another accessory and said, "I'll give this one to Shi Xiu; she'll like it. Miss An can have the little monkey. She's born under the Monkey zodiac."

"That Miss Gu Man as good as put a sign on you denoting that you're hers exclusively," Yun Nan commented as she shook her head.

Shi Nian pursed his lips and told her, "Lin Yu is Xi Cheng's fiancée. Because of Xi Cheng, we didn't hold it against her and her friends in the beginning. I didn't expect them to get carried away."