Chapter One-Hundred and Forty-Eight: Rejection

Yun Nan laughed when she heard that.

Gu Wei knew Yun Nan wouldn't dare to fly into a rage before the camera, so she brazenly said, "You've seen how talented Yun Nan is. Her movie made Shi Xiu popular, so now she could make Yun Liu popular, too; if Yun Nan didn't support her own older sister, she would be a laughing stock! Don't you think so? Yun Nan?"

When Yun Nan didn't respond, Gu Wei was even more loose with her words and stated, "Tan Ning has told me that all your scripts are suitable for Yun Liu. Your sister doesn't mind if she's a lead role or a supporting character. We're all family, and Yun Liu isn't a picky person. Tan Ning said that Yun Liu is mainly honing her acting skills now. She's smart, and with you to guide her, she'll definitely be a success. Yun Nan, we're family, so I'll just come right out and ask: That's okay with you, right?"

"No, it's not," Yun Nan detachedly replied.