Chapter One-Hundred and Fifty-Three: Sob Story

Yun Liu looked extremely aggrieved, but she kept quiet, acting as if she didn't want to say anything because she knew she couldn't outtalk Shi Xiu.

Upon seeing this, Si Kun hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh my, that sounds complicated. It seems to be quite the tale; I'm really interested now. I'd like to hear the whole story! It's exciting enough to be a novel. I wonder if it would be adapted into a film. I'm looking forward to it!"

Shi Xiu chuckled, "I'll ask my sister-in-law when I get back home. The movie I filmed—'4:30 P.M.'—was adapted from her adoptive mother's real-life story that Yun Nan wrote. Don't worry; if Yun Nan doesn't write the screenplay, I'll urge our ace screenwriter to write it."

Yan Tang laughed and teased, "Shi Xiu, I know people can have sister or brother complexes, but this is the first time I've seen someone with a sister-in-law complex!"