Chapter One-Hundred and Fifty-Five: Surprise

That was the only possible answer. All of them had handed in their cell phones. Ever since they went on the show, the participants had relied on their respective managers, assistants, and the show's production team to pass on information; these were the only contacts they had with the outside world. This was to ensure that the participants wouldn't be affected by the outside world—by the online comments. No one had thought to keep another phone on hand because those were the rules.

Shi Xiu suddenly smiled and said, "Master, I'll carve another vase. I want to give one to everyone—"

Mai Fen interrupted her. "Shi Xiu, there's no need to change the topic." She then told Yun Liu indifferently, "It's your own business if you don't abide by the rules. I have no obligation to discipline you. However, you've gone too far. As your senior, I feel compelled to reprimand you."