Chapter One-Hundred and Seventy-Seven: Laughter

Fang Xi was speechless.

"Alright, since you have no more questions, I take it you agree!" Ye Kun concluded. "Love will come when it wants to, and you can't stop it, so you might as well go with it. Let's first confirm our relationship; this way, it'll be easier for me to show you my good qualities and for you to get to know me," Ye Kun stated, relieved that Fang Xi didn't reject him.

Fang Xi felt a warmth in her heart. She nodded with some difficulty before saying, "Ye Kun, I might not be as amazing as you imagine. You might be disappointed once you get to know me."

Ye Kun chuckled, "I don't need to imagine to know that you're amazing. You don't have to worry about whether I'm satisfied or not. You're the girl in this relationship; it's fine so long as you're content. You don't have to worry about me."