Chapter One-Hundred and Ninety-One: Crisis

Lin Yu demurely accompanied Han Yuan as she listened to Madam Gu—Chang Hui—and Little Madam Gu—Zheng Xiu—pile compliments on her mother-in-law.

"Gu Man is so lucky to have met you; she's always saying how you treat her like your own daughter! It must be fate for us to become friends!" Chang Hui said fondly. Gu Man affectionately held Han Yuan's hand and acted cute, and Han Yuan was naturally overjoyed.

As for Lin Yu… She was automatically ignored by everyone as if she didn't exist. Lin Yu knew Gu Man did this on purpose. She silently turned around and went out to arrange some fruit snacks for the women. She asked the staff to prepare a plate of red dragon fruit and send it to them. After a while, Han Yuan came out with a smile and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Lin Yu and Han Yuan had a code between them—red dragon fruit indicated they had something urgent to discuss.