Chapter Three-Hundred and Thirty-Five: Memory Recovered

"Yun Nan, go find some ice," Ye Kun shouted in a panic. Yun Nan hurriedly got up, tripped over the coffee table, and fell heavily to the floor.

Shi Nian couldn't help but cry out distressedly. "Careful, Yun Nan!"

Yun Nan got up and stumbled to the kitchen. She rummaged through the refrigerator and shiveringly took out some ice from the freezer compartment. She wrapped the ice up with a towel close at hand and handed it to Ye Kun.

Ye Kun placed the makeshift ice pack on the back of Fang Xi's head and said in a deep voice, "Call an ambulance!" Yun Nan immediately did as she was told.

Xi Cheng was shocked by the scene before him. "W—What's wrong with her?"

Yun Nan and Ye Kun were too busy to pay attention to him. Shi Nian let up slightly and allowed Xi Cheng to stand up, but he still held him back, not letting him get close to Fang Xi.