Chapter Three-Hundred and Thirty-Seven: A Wedding to Ward Off Ill Health and Misfortune

Lin Yu was in a panic as she stared through the glass at Han Yuan, who was surrounded by a bunch of machines, but she had to pretend to be calm and grieving.

One of the housemaids, Lily, brought porridge over and softly advised, "Miss Lin, you should eat. How can you hold up without eating or drinking like this? Madam's heart will ache too if she wakes up and sees you in this state."

Lin Yu's body visibly swayed. "Where's Xi Cheng?" she asked Lily, her voice hoarse and hard to hear.

"Young Master went to the company. He said he had some things to arrange and would return immediately after he finished. Miss Lin, Mr. Zhou had specially instructed us to get you to eat something. You have to take good care of yourself; many things at home need your attention," the maid replied, feeling sorry for this future young mistress of hers.