Chapter Three-Hundred and Forty: Drama

Lu Hui glanced at him. Liang Han realized that her eyes, when not hidden behind her thick glasses, actually had a lustrous beauty that he couldn't help but admire.

Lu Hui whispered, "We're here to accompany Auntie Lu Ying. Auntie Kong Zhen said that Auntie Lu Ying and Auntie Xu Yun both have a daughter-in-law accompanying them, and it's too embarrassing for her to show up alone, so she asked me to come with her to keep up appearances. That's all I know."

"Tsk!" Liang Han didn't know what to say and could feel a headache coming on. Lu Hui glanced at him and added, "Don't forget the favor you owe me. I'll come for it when I've thought about how I want to spend it!"

"Tsk!" Liang Han glared at her, thinking, 'This girl truly doesn't lose out on any advantage she can get.'