Chapter Four-Hundred and Six: Coercion

"We choose to marry!" It was as if Bai Jie's every word dripped blood as she continued, "Auntie, let's have Gu Fei and Du Juan get married and make my little granddaughter legitimate. We'll show everyone that Gu Fei isn't gay—it's all false accusations and made-up rumors. And I'm going to sue those unscrupulous media outlets! Girls, your brother is getting married so go prepare a wedding immediately! Pronto! Make sure no expense is spared! Our Gu Fei is to marry Du Juan in a grand manner!"

Of course, Gu Fei refused to agree to this. He screamed and protested, but his sisters had already sorted out their thoughts and wouldn't let him mess around. They safeguarded Gu Fei because he represented the Gu family's interests. If Gu Fei's interests were to clash with the Gu family's, it was evident which side they would stand on.