Chapter Four-Hundred and Eleven: Top Quality

Lin Yu didn't say a single word as she numbly watched as Han Yuan lay back on her bed. Lily rambled on, not noticing Lin Yu's expression. Lin Yu got out of bed and walked over to Han Yuan's bedside. She subconsciously wanted to touch Han Yuan's face.

"Oh, Young Madam, what are you doing out of bed?" Lily quickly grabbed Lin Yu's hand. "Madam is fine. The doctor said that the checkup took too long and was afraid Madam wouldn't be able to stand it, so he gave her some sleeping meds. She's fine, she'll wake up in a while," Lily cheerily told Lin Yu. "Go to bed and rest, Young Madam. Oh, what a day. I'm so tired!" Lily uttered as she gave a stretch.

Lin Yu came back to her senses and hurriedly said, "Lily, go back home and take a rest. I'll take care of Mother. I'm fine and you're exhausted!"

That small show of concern was enough to make Lily beam. "Thank you, Young Madam, but I'm fine. I'm young and sturdy. I'm not that delicate! You just head back to bed."