Mine. Now.

"But Madam… the meeting was at eight in the morning. It's almost noon."

Heaven sighed heavily, frowning as she recalled Miriam's previous words. She was so ready to prance in her son's school and see the damn parents of the other party. Unfortunately, Heaven woke up late. In other words, the meeting was already over.

"Damn…" she murmured, glancing at the walk-in closet she had in this household. She stood up and opened it. Her face lit up with the number of clothes inside.

Everything from the top shelves to the bottom was designer items. This entire closet was worth at least a few million.

"Considering my husband is rich, this closet is not surprising." Heaven nodded in understanding while rubbing her chin. "Not that I am to complain."

Her lips stretched from ear to ear as her eyes sparkled. "All of this is mine now!"

Everything in the walk-in closet was keeping up with the trend. If her memory served correctly, her husband would replace everything a few times a year in case Heaven decided to dress up.

"Gosh," Heaven giggled. "He is surely generous."

Heaven happily tried on a few clothes, wearing all the accessories she could. The person inhabiting this body was no stranger to luxury items. Being the head of one of the top assassination organizations, Hera owned a few islands.

However, she never truly got to enjoy these types of clothes because she only wore black clothes. From head to toe, she was covered with black.

Her reason?

Blood wasn't obvious in that color.

Even so, no matter how terrifying she was, she still had a soft spot for fashion. People in the world she came from were ambitious and greedy. They would do everything for power and authority. But she was a woman whose dreams were rather too 'shallow' or 'regular' as what others told her.

"Oh?" Heaven stopped in front of the full-body mirror, twisting left and right to check on the pastel-colored ruffled dress. Her face brightened up as her cheek turned slightly pinkish, looking at her beautiful face.

"I'm so pretty…" she muttered while holding her cheek. "Although I'm prettier, this isn't bad."

Not that looks mattered to her. To be fair, she didn't care about any of that. What was important was that this face didn't look anything like Hera's.

Hera's natural facial features were sharp, like a villain in every movie. No one would be surprised if she did something bad with that face of hers. Thus, she was called Hell and had many other names. But Heaven's natural facial features were not anything like that.

Heaven didn't look meek, but she had the face of an angel: gentle, mature, and harmless. Excluding the gloom Heaven had for the past five years, she could see the reason the original owner of the body reached the level of fame she used to have.

Heaven was undeniably beautiful, no matter what angle she looked. Even her shadow was gorgeous.

"This face, this life, this name, this family…" Heaven smiled, but this time, it was subtle. "They're mine now."

Heaven marched forward, looking at her face solemnly. She studied every pore of her face before looking at the eyes mirroring her.

"Mine. Now." She pressed a finger on the mirror. "I am now in charge of this body and this life. You didn't cherish this life, so another will. Perhaps your punishment is my blessing."

Heaven smiled in satisfaction; she already accepted this new life. Having a husband and a son was a bonus. At least Heaven didn't have to find someone to fall in love with. She also didn't need to go through the hardships of giving birth!

"All I need is to fix my damn reputation…" The smile on her face faded as she recalled the body's owner's memories. "Shit."

The original Heaven was a terrible mother and wife. Everyone already knew that. Ever since Heaven gave birth to her son, Sebastian, she never held him. She didn't even take care of him, letting Miriam take care of the newborn until now.

Not only that, but Heaven and her husband Dominic wouldn't even meet. They live under the same roof, but they rarely see each other. There were times in her memories when Dominic would approach her. However, the ending of all those circumstances ended on a bad note. Thus, the man stopped trying and left her alone.

"Still, he cared for me, right?" Heaven scanned the walk-in closet, humming a long, pondering tune. "If not, he wouldn't replace everything in this closet for me."

Heaven nodded, convincing herself this was her husband's gesture of a little bit of care for her. "Or is it really for me?" her brow raised as she looked at the clothes.

Her husband came from a wealthy family. Keeping up appearances was a must. That didn't only apply to him but to his son and wife as well.

"No matter how Heaven hated that man, she never missed the Zhu Clan's family gathering," came out a murmur, getting a little invested in the details of this marriage. "That's the only time Heaven wears things from here. She would usually wear the ones she had before."

"Now that I recall her memory, Heaven is really a prideful person. If she could, she wouldn't use anything he gave her because she hates him that much. Man…" Heaven shook her head, having a slight headache the more she delved into this shallow marriage.

From her memories, just the sight of Dominic was enough to anger Heaven. They never truly had a proper conversation. Why did they even get married if she hated him that much?

Her reason?

Heaven was afraid of public criticism. She didn't want to have a child out of wedlock. She tried aborting the child, but Dominic didn't want that. He used all his power just to make sure she would bring the child into this world. Heaven struggled with his demands, but she eventually gave in. Thus, this marriage.

"Can people really get married for such ridiculous reasons?" she mumbled, leaning against the glass counter in the middle of the walk-in closet. "This marriage is really shallow. I feel terrible for the kid. His parents were both selfish beings."

Heaven frowned, only for her expression to freeze as a realization struck her. She was now one of that kid's parents.