Meeting the husband for the first time

Heaven waited for her husband and son to come home that day. She made sure that the dishes she prepared were warm when they arrived. She killed time wandering around the house. While doing so, could hear how the servants were whispering and murmuring. She was not surprised by their reactions, Heaven had never bothered to explore the house. 

It was unbelievable.

How could a person live in a place without fully knowing every corner of it?

But then again, she was talking about the original Heaven. The woman whose life stopped when she became pregnant.

The mansion was huge, but not quite as huge as the one she had before. Since the woman inside this body had an organization, there were more than servants living in her place. There were guards — countless guards so she could sleep peacefully every night. Thus, the reason for the unbelievably huge mansion — or rather, the palace she had.

This place was a hundred times better in other aspects aside from the size, though.

After exploring the house, Heaven waited for them in the lobby to kill some time. She got bored after two hours and headed to the entertainment room. Heaven watched all the movies she could, enjoying the lazy hours doing nothing and worrying about nothing.

Time quickly passed by and without noticing it, it was already evening.

"They're still not here?" she asked in a sleepy voice. Heaven yawned while checking her wristwatch. "It's already past eight. Just where did those two go?"

Heaven yawned once again, getting cozy in the entertainment room while choosing which movie to watch next. "Miriam said she will notify me once they're home. I don't remember having such peace — is this a good movie?"

It was easy for Heaven to shift her attention to the next movie because this experience was something new to her. Not that she had never seen one movie; she used to watch a few while growing up. But then, stopped all those menial hobbies altogether when her mother passed. Now that she was given another life, she enjoyed her time while waiting for her husband and son to come home.

Time flew by while Heaven found herself laughing or squealing, reacting to whatever reaction a scene was expecting from its audience. She had never been able to enjoy such simple things while being at the helm of the organization. Soon after, Heaven felt her eyes grow heavy until a tear appeared on the corners of them.

Slowly, Heaven drifted into a deep slumber where she dreamed of a memory. A memory of her distant past that she had left long ago. 




"Bear," Hera softy called out.

"Yes, Boss?"

"Why did you come back?" Hera's voice was weak, her face was pale, the once vibrant color gone. Sitting beside the bed she was lying on was her most loyal aide, Bear. "Weren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?" She asked with a small smile on her face. 

Bear had never changed, he still wore the stern face she was used to seeing and said, "I heard you had a cardiac arrest the other day." His face might still be the same, but there was a deep vestige of concern for her.

"Weren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?" she repeated while the man frowned. "I did have a cardiac arrest, but I'm alive, you see?"

"Boss, my wife can understand I have duties to do. We agreed to spend our honeymoon when we have more free time."

"More free time… like once I die?"

Bear lowered his eyes but didn't say anything. 

"Bear." Hera blinked several times and gave a weak laugh. "Just how long will you put me before yourself?" she gave a tired sigh and continued, "You know whatever we do, even with the advanced research this organization funded, nothing will change. I will still die when my time is up."

"I know that." Bear looked down, clasping his fist on his lap.

"You married the love of your life. Treat her just the way she deserves to be treated." Hera peeled her gaze from him and looked out the window on the other side of her bed. "Do not worry about me. I'd prefer to take my last breath alone since I don't have any last words to say. My last mission is almost at completion and this organization will soon be dissolved."

"I am at peace now," she added in a quiet and weak voice. "Though I might get a good scolding from my grandfather who founded this organization, what else can he do? We're both dead. I have no qualms and already embraced this fate."

"Boss, don't say things like that —"

"You know I'm not one to indulge in denying things. Even without this illness, I will eventually die. It just so happened to be a little bit early. My point is, I'm not leaving this world without security to those very few people I cared for." The bags under her eyes were dark, but her eyes brimmed with nothing but peace. "This time, live this life correctly, Bear. I'm glad to have met you, but if I can, I would rather meet you in a different situation. After all, you are kind. It's just that life was not good and you are in the world you don't belong."

"Boss." A thin layer of tears coated his eyes as he listened to her seemingly parting statement.

"You never liked it, I know. Not everyone liked the life we had — I won't deny it as well," Hera truthfully said. She was not going to stop expressing the sentiments she kept to herself for many years. "If I had a choice, I wouldn't live the life I did. I might not turn my life around until the end, but at least you and the rest can."

The tears forming in his eyes finally fell. He tried to stop it but a lone drop escaped his eyes and landed on her clenched fist. He was about to say stop to his boss, but the words got stuck in his throat. He had never seen his boss with a peaceful face.

Their boss, who usually carried a dangerous and cunning look, was now wearing a sincere and peaceful face. Bear had gotten used to seeing her confident and cool, like she had everything under control. Now, though, he had seen a different side of her. Although she appeared confident, as if she had everything under control, this was the first she appeared peaceful.

Hera already accepted her death.

This realization tore the man's heart in half. He clenched his teeth, trying to express himself. In a voice full of grief, he said, "I don't want to watch another master of mine leave this world." Tears overflowed from his eyes, but his face remained stern. "However, if this were your true wishes, then I'd do my best to make it come true."

When Bear raised his head, determination flickered across his eyes. "Boss, I'll make this organization a legend of the past. Until then… until I finish that last task, I'd postponed my honeymoon."

Hera looked at him and laughed. If Bear couldn't change her mind, she was certain she wouldn't change his mind as well.



"Bear…" Heaven whispered softly before all her senses tingled upon sensing something intruding on her personal space.

With eyes closed, Heaven swiftly caught the person's arm, before her eyelashes fluttered open. But as soon as her eyes opened, she caught a pair of dark hazel eyes looking back at her.
