Isn't it too over the top?

Heaven wasn't acting when Axel drove at maximum speed, almost crashing the car into another vehicle. Although the speed or danger in his recklessness didn't scare her, she was fighting this strong emotion surging in her heart. The words she expressed somehow hurt her heart, and Heaven couldn't deny that.

Fortunately, Axel was a good driver. Still, his reckless driving warranted angry honks and the police pulling them over to the side. His connections saved them the trouble of getting a ticket, but still, he was lectured to drive safely since he was not only putting his life in danger but also the people on the highway.

After a long lecture from the police, Axel and Heaven journeyed in silence. They didn't talk for the rest of the journey, dropping her off at the Zhu Mansion. As soon as they arrived, Heaven glanced out the window.

'This house,' she whispered inwardly as a sudden memory resurfaced in her head.

A memory of Heaven gazing out the window and seeing this beautiful mansion for the first time. The original Heaven carried a heavy heart back then. It was the same heaviness the current Heaven felt right now. The only difference was that the original Heaven saw this place as a prison, while the current Heaven saw this as a beautiful place she had ruined.

"Get out. I have another errand to do." Axel broke the silence in the car, keeping his eyes ahead without showing a sign he wanted to look at her.

Heaven breathed out and nodded, picking up the paper bags. But before she would hitch outside, she turned her head in the driver's seat.

"Thank you for the ride. To be honest, I don't know the address I lived for the past five years." She smiled, watching Axel look at her with furrowed brows. "So, I really appreciate your help."

With that being said, she didn't idle and left the car. She marched toward the front door, glancing over her shoulder on the way, but didn't slow down in her steps until she got inside. Meanwhile, Axel kept his eyes on her until she was out of sight.

"That woman… she didn't even ask about her son and she dared speak about changes." Axel scoffed, treating everything she had said as empty words. "She probably got scared that my brother would divorce her. Sooner or later, I wouldn't be surprised if Dom finally woke up from his foolishness."

Axel clicked his tongue, sneering. For him, everything she said was nothing but lies. Even though Heaven never showed signs she was taking advantage of their family's wealth and connection, Axel's dismay at her existence concluded that was probably the reason she suddenly had a change of heart.

Heaven was right.

Grandma Zhu and Dominic's parents wouldn't be her problem. However, Axel would be one because this guy could be very unforgiving. Considering Heaven was the way she was for the past five years, he would take some time to accept Heaven's intentions.


Heaven threw herself on the large couch in the family area. Unlike how Dominic arrive at the mansion, no one welcomed her home. Not that she cared. She preferred some time alone after spending almost two hours with Axel.

'Gosh…' Heaven blew the stray hair on her face, melting on the couch with the paper bags still in her hand. 'I couldn't even enjoy such a peaceful ride because of this conscience.'

Her lips curled down, feeling the beating of her heavy heart. 'Surely, he hates me. I don't care about him, but somehow, I felt him.'

No brother or family would allow others to hurt their family. The current Heaven would go to war if one of her family members — a member of the organization — got hurt by another felon. She remembered erasing a mob family overnight because they beat up Bear, almost killing him. Therefore, she could understand Axel's feelings.

"Madam?" Heaven snapped her eyes ever so slowly to the source of the voice, only to see Miriam approaching. "Madam, are you alright? Since when did you arrive? Weren't you with Master?"

Miriam looked around, but there was no one. No sign of Dominic or his assistant. She set her eyes back to Heaven with furrowed brows. Heaven was rushed to the hospital the other day. Shouldn't Heaven be in the hospital? Even if she was discharged, Dominic or one of his men should've assisted her home.

She set her eyes back to Heaven with furrowed brows and then gasped. "Madam, your face!"

"Don't worry about it. I slapped myself to get myself together, but I didn't realize it was that strong."

Doubt swirled in Miriam's eyes, but Heaven diverted the conversation.

"I asked Dom to drop me off somewhere because I met up with Paula," explained Heaven, guessing Miriam's other concern. "Don't worry. Axel drove me home afterward."

"The second young master? Madam did the young master…"

"Miriam, did you really think he will do this to me?" Heaven sported a knowing look. "Don't you believe me? I'm alright, Miriam. Axel is innocent. In fact, he helped me." Heaven kept her smile, nodding at Miriam reassuringly. "He didn't do anything."

"Are you sure, Madam?"

"Mhm." Heaven raised her brows, lifting her hand that was holding the paper bag. "Here, I bought something for everyone. Leave this one for Basti and Dom. I don't know what they like, so you can just check which one they want."

Miriam accepted the paper bag, confused. She gazed at Heaven once the latter finished giving her instruction.

"Madam…" her eyes softened, seeing this gesture as progress. "Why don't you do it?"

"But I don't know what they want."

Miriam smiled warmly. "I'm certain the master and the young master will love everything that you give them."

"Miriam, I appreciate that, but you seem to have overestimated my power in this household."

"No, Madam." Miriam shook her head, giving the one paper bag back to her. "Here. The master will be happy if you give it to him personally. I take the rest to the others."

Miriam's smile grew broader as she got up from the couch, carrying the other paper bags to give to everyone. This was the first time Heaven gave them something on her own, so for Miriam, this was a big step for Heaven.

As Miriam left the family room, Heaven gazed at the paper bag. She sat upright, the bag on her lap.

"Is this really necessary?" she murmured, tilting her head to the side. "Oh, right."

Heaven placed the paper bag on her side, only to pick up her purse to get her phone. She didn't waste a second and casually sent a message to Dominic.