Goodnight... not yet

"Is it good? I was the one who made that. Did you like it?"

Dominic chewed slowly and rocked his head as an answer.

"Really? Then, I'm glad." Heaven's lips stretched as she picked up her cutlery to eat her food as well.

As Heaven joined him for dinner, Dominic kept his eyes on her. After a while, he set his eyes back on the food, slicing the steak elegantly.

"Don't you want to discuss anything?" he asked after minutes of nothing but silence.


"Why did you ask me to have dinner with you?" Dominic clarified, facing her squarely. "If you want to say something or if you need anything, just tell me."

Heaven chewed her food as she wondered. 'Is this the reason he agreed to have dinner with me?' she mentally sighed, but almost used to this type of reaction at this point.

Dominic and everyone around her would always suspect the reasons for her action. Even Heaven would doubt herself if she was in their shoes. After all, her behavior was too drastic of a change. It was almost hard to believe.

Well, this drastic change was because the Heaven right now was not the real Heaven they all knew. But they didn't know that, and even if she told them, who would believe her?

"Is it a sin to want my husband's company?" she respond as soon as she swallowed down the meat. "I didn't think I need anything, but now that you asked, I might have a request."

'I knew it,' Dominic thought. "What is it?"

"I need you to keep an open mind and heart."


"I mean, I know this is hard for you, but since Basti isn't home yet, I planned to use this time to bond with you," she casually explained without having second thoughts. "At least, to use this time to get ourselves familiar with each other's presence. Even though that wouldn't fix everything, I think it's a good start. It'll be good for Basti if he could see that his parents were on good terms."

Dominic repeated everything she had said in his mind.

"What?" he blurted out.

"Don't worry. I will not bother you, knowing you have a lot of work. But I might require you to come home every day or as often as possible," she added. "Our son is still young and his father's presence will surely help with his development. What do you say?"

Dominic's lips parted, but no word came out. What would he say? Her proposal was too abrupt. All he remembered was asking her to be nice to their son, but it seemed to be nice wasn't the only thing she planned to do.

'Heaven…' his eyes glinted faintly. '... what are you planning?'

"Hmm?" Heaven tilted her head to the side. "If that is too much to ask, then it's fine. I mean, I know this came off too abruptly. But I was just thinking…"

"Heaven Liu." Heaven trailed off when his voice sounded firm. "If that is your plan, I will not stop you from doing so. However, if this is just a mere act, you should stop now. I am not asking you to do all this but to be a mother to Basti."

'Ugh… this is annoying!' Heaven wanted to throw a huge fit, but she had to keep her mind cool. 'This is all Heaven's fault! Oh, self. Calm down. Nothing good will come if you beat yourself right now.'

"Ruin me if I changed my mind midway." Her smile faded. "So? Before we get strayed from the original topic, do you agree?"

"I'll see what I can do." Dominic set his eyes on his plate, resuming his meal. "I need at least a day to reorganize my schedule. I sent it to you hours ago."

"I know. That's why I was worried you might overwork yourself. Gosh. I think your assistant wants to kill you."

Dominic paused, sliding his eyes to the corner. His wife was already eating while casually talking about his schedule. He thought she simply skimmed through it, but it seemed she paid attention to it. Dominic shook his head mildly, getting rid of the unnecessary thoughts that were resurfacing in his head.

There were times he would glance at her and she would look back at him to smile. Heaven attempted to strike up a conversation, but he kept his answers short and simple. Thus, in the end, she ran out of topics to talk about.

He noticed that, though.

Even if he didn't want to notice, her behavior was hard to ignore. Heaven was talking to him! Not just that, but she was the one initiating the conversation. She even bragged about the food they were eating as she claimed to have made it herself.

No wonder it wasn't as good as the one the head chef would prepare.

"Should we watch something later?" Heaven inquired after finishing her dinner, and now they were enjoying a glass of wine. "Or do you still have work to do?"

Dominic glanced at her. "Work."

'Damn it!' Heaven mentally winced, stopping herself from lecturing him. Not because she was changing, she had to change him as well. She had to be grateful he was still listening to her request. She shouldn't push her luck.

"Oh… okay." Heaven rocked her head before taking a sip of the wine. "Mhm. This one is good."

"Hmm." Dominic finished his wine in one gulp before facing her. "I'll go back to my room. Thank you for the dinner."

"So soon?"

'Huh?' he blinked. "You should sleep as well. The doctor said you need to take care of yourself. Don't drink too much."

"Mhm…" Heaven leaned back while Dominic slowly rose from his seat. He placed the napkin on the side of his plate before his eyes fell on her.

"Good night." That was all he could say before leaving, not giving her a second look.

'Gosh… did he think this is a dinner meeting?' Heaven sighed, watching her husband leave her all alone.

"Well…" The corner of her lips curled up into a cunning smirk as her eyes glinted mischievously. 'It's not like I didn't consider this from happening.'