Leo Wu was a popular actor, one of the top-paid actors in the country. Even children knew about this man with all the projects he worked on. He was well known around the world, having been asked to represent luxury brands and appearing in movies that made his home country proud.

Leo Wu was the epitome of success for all actors. He was someone many young aspiring actors look up to. 

In other words, everyone knew about Leo, and one look, one would recognize who he was. Heaven expected Dominic to recognize him, at least. Leo wasn't just any actor, but someone deemed as the nation's husband.

On top of that, how could Dominic not know this man when Leo was currently the face of one of LYON Group's subsidiaries?

'Dang…' Heaven reread her husband's inquiry. 'I guess not everyone in the country knew about him. Understandable. My husband is on a whole new level.'