Get a grip

"That is the line you can't cross. Don't overstep again."

The man with a flashy orange mohawk turned his head to his side where Bear stood. His expression was a little pale, barely blinking out of shock. Even he couldn't believe a person could lift someone by the head like a toy. Not just him, but everyone in his group — even Axel — could only look at the old man with wide eyes.

Although Bear's physique was humongous, it was clear he was already past his prime. His build might appear better than anyone in his age, but it didn't change the fact his strength was amazing. 

Who was this man?

Heaven smirked in satisfaction, casting Bear a look. The latter simply looked back at her in silence, but then turned away.

"Oh, you guys are here!" Suddenly, Moose's energetic voice broke the prolonged silence. "And what is this tension in here? Goodness! Liven up, people! This is a good day — yes, a good one!"