The nerve

"I like her, Dad. You told me to choose whose bodyguard I want. I choose Princess."

Dominic tilted his head a bit to the side while Heaven blinked almost innocently. This was strange, thought Dominic. Sebastian never showed interest in any of the bodyguards in the past, nor he was ever against it. Perhaps the only bodyguard they had grown close to was Bear, and that was because of Heaven and Axel. Was it because Heaven kept Bear by her side, and thus, Sebastian was following in his mother's footsteps?

"Baby, are you sure?" Heaven inquired, holding Sebastian's hand in worry. 

Sebastian flashed her an adorable smile. "Yes. I like her."

"Well…" Heaven cast Princess a side eye and sighed. 'I guess it isn't bad to have Princess by my son's side. Especially with Primo lurking around in the shadows. It's best if there's someone I can trust to protect my son. Moreover, Princess has more morals and decency in her compared to those guys.'