
[The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.]

Dominic stood still in that poise, frozen. His eyes didn't blink as they were fixed on the figure he deeply wished to stand up moments ago. His brows rose slightly as Heaven set her eyes back on him, forcing an awkward smile as she said;



His mouth partially fell open as he took a step toward his wife. 

'Please... let this be real,' he whispered to his skipping heart, praying this wasn't a dream. 

Strange, he thought. Not long ago, while he was cradling his wife's body while crying, he kept praying that this was nothing but a dream — a terrible nightmare he would soon wake up from. But now, ironically, he prayed this was true. That he wasn't simply hallucinating, and that he was sane. 

"Please..." Dominic slowly raised his hand as he drew closer to her. "... let this be real."