[Bonus chapter]Ending the contract



Gray glanced to his side, only to see Tiger yawning. They were guarding the end turn of the hallway, making sure no one could enter the ward Heaven was in, aside from the authorized people and the Zhu family. 

"I thought you were going to send your resignation?" asked Gray, curious. "You just left early last night. I thought you won't come back today."

"Well, I changed my mind." Tiger shrugged, standing in his spot upright, which was the complete opposite of his usual laziness since being hired. He cocked his head back, casting his colleague a knowing look. 

"It's not every day you get to have a boss that rises from the dead," he remarked. "So, I might stay."

Gray narrowed his eyes suspiciously, detecting the slight difference in Tiger's attitude. "What are you planning?"
