[Bonus chapter] Am I tripping?

"Am I tripping?" Tiger's face squeezed in dismay, watching Heaven and Ivy chat while some people replaced the paper targets. He slapped Bear's stomach with the back of his hand, trying to get the old man's attention.

"Say, Bear, did I eat anything today?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the paper targets that the staff was collecting. "I think I've been seeing things."

"What do you mean?" Bear returned, feigning ignorant of what the man was mumbling about. 

"I think... no. I was sure she hit those targets." Tiger rubbed his chin, noticing the holes in the paper targets. There was only one hole in each of them, and they were all from Ivy Wei. 

"I think you didn't have lunch yet," Bear said, sliding his eyes to the corner. "Weren't you yawning just now? Maybe you're still dreaming."

Tiger's expression died as he cocked his head to Bear. "Seriously? Me? You think I will miss such a thing?"