[Bonus chapter] We are pregnant

Moments ago, Dominic was beating himself on how to tell his wife she might be pregnant. But now, even before he could bring up the subject to her, she was already holding two pregnancy tests, with both of them having the same positive results. 

For a few seconds, he could only stare at those lines motionlessly until he noticed her hand trembling.

"Heaven," he called soothingly as he raised his head to meet her teary eyes. "Come here, darling."

Dominic stretched his arms, pulling his wife into his embrace. He squeezed her mildly, trying to calm her trembling body from shaking even more. 

"I'm scared, Dom," she confessed under her breath. "And I'm confused about what to feel. Were these tears happy tears? Or was it because I was terrified?"

Heaven clutched his back as her face turned sour while some remnant of tears lingered on her eyelashes. "I don't know what to think, Dom."