Day three

Grandma Zhu didn't need to elaborate on why Heaven needed to get Mercy on her side. After all, Mercy, the black panther, was also a member of the Zhu family.

It was just as Grandma Zhu said. As long as she was strong, she wanted Heaven to have a solid footing in the family. 

Strange as it may sound, taming Mercy was the next step, since Heaven already had the immediate family on her side. Even so, Heaven didn't miss the slight hostility from other relatives from the last family gathering. If not for Silas, they would've targeted her like they used to do. 

"Mercy…" Heaven shut the door of the greenhouse in a panic as soon as she heard the growl from the inside. 

After that time Grandma Zhu introduced Mercy to her, Heaven took it upon herself should get Mercy's mercy as soon as possible. Three days later, here she was, back in the greenhouse to cajole Mercy into liking her. Things weren't going well for her, though.