[Bonus chapter] I’m cutting off his limb.

The next day…

"Mercy…" Heaven called sweetly and quietly, peeking her head in the entrance. "I brought you food~"

Unlike the past few days, Heaven would usually just hear growls, hiss, or the sound of rush in her direction. Every day, she would call Mercy and peek inside, only to slam it close before Mercy could bite her head off. 

But today, Heaven's brows rose as she spotted Mercy lying under the small tree.

"Mercy?" she called, watching Mercy look in her direction. 

Mercy didn't show the usual aggressiveness she had displayed the previous days but only stared at Heaven. Seeing that it wasn't doing anything, Heaven's eyes lit up. 

"Mercy, I brought you food." Heaven discreetly slid in the door, carrying a tray with her. She paused right by the entrance, stopping the door from closing with her foot in case this was a trap. 

"This is the food," she emphasized, raising the tray. "Want to eat?"