[Bonus chapter] Take the wheel

"Can't you drive faster?" Heaven hissed, glaring at the driver from the backseat. "Pull over. Let me drive."

Although she knew they were already driving at a high speed, Heaven still felt they weren't fast enough. Every second felt like hell, and this ride just emphasized how long had it been since Sebastian was abducted. From her experience, Sebastian had surely regained consciousness by now. 

She couldn't imagine the fear Sebastian was in at this moment. 

She had seen captured children in the past; some were for human trafficking and others were for other cruel fates. If there was one thing she could remember on those children's faces, that was the helplessness, confusion, and lack of life in their eyes. 

"We'll get there." Dominic placed his hand on top of her hand, squeezing it mildly. "Everyone is already on their way there. Basti will be fine."