[Bonus chapter] You are not the big sis

The first time Princess laid eyes on the girl, she instantly knew she shouldn't be inside that container. Most of them were runts, while some were stray children who were abandoned by their families to die or survive on their own. 

But that girl in pigtails, while her large curl bounced on her shoulder, seemed well-off. 

"You're a real princess, are you? How did you know they plan to replace everyone's organs with drugs, if not?"

All Princess could do was stare at the beautiful girl. The latter's eyes were twinkling with anticipation and admiration. Her gleeful appearance, however, disappeared when a man's voice thundered outside the container. 

"Hera! Do you really want me to get killed?! Just how many times am I going to tell you not to run off?!"

The young Hera frowned deeply, turning her head to the container's only entrance and exit. "Weren't we playing hide and seek?"